Are you ready to heal from your eating disorder and find recovery?

We offer nutrition counseling and meal support for:

Disordered Eating

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa



Binge Eating Disorder

We use nutrition therapy to help you transform your relationship with food and cultivate self-love.

1:1 Counseling is for you if:

✓ You feel like eating will make you gain weight.

✓ You feel like you need to “undo” what you eat by restricting later, purging, or exercising.

✓   You fear weight gain or living in a larger body.

✓   You feel like you can’t trust or tolerate the image you see in you the mirror.

✓   You feel loss of control around food or want to stop bingeing.

✓ You feel like you go through periods of not eating or trying not to eat and then periods of feeling out of control around food, overeating, or bingeing.

✓   You feel guilt, shame, regret, or sadness after eating.

✓   You want to feel confident choosing/planning meals.

✓  You want to finally feel at peace around food and your body.

Healing your relationship with food is self-love

While working with us you will:

Learn how to consistently nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to promote recovery, longevity, and a healthy relationship with food.

Learn how to re-establish trust with your body, strengthen or re-establish hunger/fullness cues, and eventually learn to honor them.

✓ Learn how your emotions affect your eating and develop a practice to meet your emotional needs without engaging in eating disorder-aligned behaviors.

✓ Release the guilt, shame, and regret that comes with eating.

✓ Learn how to quiet and eventually silence the little voice in your head saying “don’t eat that, it’s going to make you gain weight.”

✓ Learn how to stop obsessively thinking about food.

✓ Learn how to alter and shift negative internal body talk, develop a body respect practice, and work towards body neutrality and acceptance.

✓ Explore your relationship with movement and learn how to align your intentions around movement with recovery.

✓ Learn how to stop bingeing or feeling out of control around food.

Are you ready?

Book a FREE consult call to get to know our process + all your questions answered!