What is Intuitive Eating?

The end to all dieting and restriction

Are you tired of trying diet after diet only to find yourself feeling guilty and like a failure when you don’t lose the weight you wanted because you didn’t have enough willpower?

Society and diet culture have tricked you into believing this is your fault.

This is not your fault because DIETS DON‘T WORK.

Did you know 95% of people who intentionally lose weight regain the weight after 1-5 years (often more weight than originally lost)?

If your goal is weight loss, dieting will only eventually lead to weight GAIN.

Imagine a life where you don’t have to worry about what you ate last weekend and how you will “get back on track” on Monday or say no to cake at your daughter's birthday because “you only ran 3 miles this morning.”

Imagine a life where eating is a free-flowing and fully intuitive experience. No stress, no guilt, no fear, no pressure. You’re fully attuned to what your body and mind want, and you are left feeling satisfied every time you eat.

 Welcome to Intuitive Eating.

Intuitive Eating is a mind-body connection practice

What are Somatic Meditations?

Did you know your body uses physical sensations to communicate its inner wisdom with you?

Most of us have silenced these messages or just don’t know how to listen yet.

Somatic meditations teach us to sense, feel, and understand our body’s unique inner language so we can respond to meet our physical and emotional needs.

This helps HEAL your relationship with food and body.

Learn about our signature Reclaim Intuitive Eating Program today!