
“Working with Hannah has been unbelievably helpful for me on my healing journey. My relationship with my body’s needs is forever changed, and I owe that all to Hannah and her incredible guidance. If you are looking to finally end your fight with your body and with food, look no further than Hannah! You won’t regret it.”

— Danielle Massi

1:1 Client

“Where to even begin?

Without sounding like a cliche, the RECLAIM Intuitive Eating program (and Hannah) changed my life.

Before starting this program, every waking moment was spent obsessing about food. It had become so routine that I didn't even realize it. I was constantly thinking about what I had just eaten, what I was going to eat, what I should eat more or less of, and what other people ate. While eating, I would be thinking about whether I was good or bad, and almost always feeling guilt and shame about what I was eating or wanted to eat. Before starting the program, I had such an ingrained hatred for my body that I blamed my appearance for everything wrong. I also only exercised because I felt that I 'should' as a way to burn calories and earn food. I had completely lost my ability to feel hunger and fullness and take any satisfaction from food or events involving food.

Having completed the RECLAIM Intuitive Eating program, I know I will never diet again. I will never punish my body with movement I hate, to earn food I don't want, or burn off something I did. I no longer see foods as good or bad, healthy or junk. I see pleasure and satisfaction, nourishment, caring for my body and mental health, and a crucial part of my culture and maintaining social bonds.

I can actually enjoy eating without guilt or shame. I no longer feel constant anxiety and panic about food, my body, or movement. I appreciate my body and food for what it provides.

In this program, I met many amazing women intent on changing their lives to live outside of diet culture and body shaming. I bonded with like-minded individuals who wanted more for themselves and their children. I learned about diet culture, food rules, hunger, fullness, movement, gentle nutrition, and much more. We worked with journal prompts, meditation, social media groups, chats, weekly group calls, and one-on-ones to see our relationships with food and our bodies differently.

Between the weekly course materials, meditations, journal prompts, practices, group calls, and media groups, there was so much information and guidance that you could not have wanted more.

Hannah is the kindest, most gentle, warm soul you could want to lead you on this journey. As a fantastic teacher, she guides you and gives you the building blocks to take this journey yourself. She's always there for individual support and guidance, prompting you with thought-provoking questions, helping you find your inner hype girl, and realizing how much more beautiful life can be without guilt, shame, or food rules. The freedom I have gained from the program is unimaginable. I hardly recognize the person I was when starting the program, and every day, I still see new ways to apply what I have learned and the growth I have made. I cannot possibly recommend this program enough.

The investment is more than worth it (several times over) and will genuinely change your life. So much of what I have gained I can apply outside my food, movement, and body acceptance journey; it has given me a fundamental insight into myself.

Take the leap. You won't regret it. Hannah, thanks will never be enough for life changes you have given me.”

— Amanda

Reclaim Intuitive Eating Program Graduate

“I started this course feeling completely out of control with my food choices, meaning I felt like I had no idea how to eat “healthy” or “unhealthy” and what those definitions even mean to me. I could not identify hunger cues, feelings of satisfaction, etc. The materials and being surrounded by other individuals who felt the exact same way that I did was rally empowering. I was able to take control of my hunger, enjoy my cravings, manage them, and start to love my body again. It’s not an overnight fix, but the class provides the building blocks to continue this practice forever. It’s so refreshing to know I will never track macros or utilize My Fitness Pal again.”

— Lesley

Reclaim Intuitive Eating Program Graduate

“After starting my work with Hannah through her intuitive eating program, I uncovered a lot of subconscious thoughts that were rooted in my eating disorder that were still unconsciously driving my behaviors. So, I wasn’t consciously living in an active ED, but a lot of my thoughts, behaviors, and patterns were still being driven by these unconscious, self-destructive thoughts. Week after week, I began to see just how many thoughts there were, and one by one, we have been able to identify and address them, leading to almost no digestive issues anymore, a lot more energy, joy, and, most importantly, a newfound love, respect, and appreciation for my amazing body. Once I started learning intuitive eating and connecting to my body more, I was able to listen to what I actually wanted instead of just eating the same things that I thought I wanted, and this actually led to eating fewer sweets like ice cream(previously, I would eat a pint every night loaded with toppings) bc I was giving my body the nutrition it was asking for already, I was craving the sugar less. Working with Hannah has brought me a level of comfort with my body that I didn’t know was possible. Intuitive eating just makes sense now because i have full trust that my body knows exactly how much and what to eat for my specific body and i just needed to learn to listen. I am also now a few months pregnant, and I don’t think that would have been possible had I not started working with Hannah to heal my relationship with food and my body. Even now, as my body continues to grow and change, I am able to embrace it for the beautiful miracle it is instead of being worried about what my body looks like and what I ate, and I will be forever grateful for that. To know that I won’t have to worry about my child seeing me struggle with body image and food and unconsciously pick up on those beliefs themselves is an accomplishment that I can't really put into words. I am not perfect, and of course, I will still struggle from time to time, but having the tools and knowledge I now have through Hannah and her program, I know I will be able to handle them with stride.”

— Anonymous

1:1 Client

“Thank you, Hannah, for everything you have done to help me feel free around food for the first time in my life! Diving into the intuitive eating principles brought so much awareness to why I have been struggling with my relationship with food. Now I am able to respect my body and honor it by eating whatever it wants without feeling guilt. I have been able to fully explore & try different foods to determine what my body GENUINELY enjoys, and I can identify when I have reached a level of fullness. Most importantly, I have been able to re-wire my brain after so many years of being brainwashed by diet culture. I am so happy and grateful for this experience. Thanks again!!”

— VL

Reclaim Intuitive Eating Program Graduate